Charity Number: 1006504
Contact: 01722 322882
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Summary: Alabaré has been supporting vulnerable, homeless and marginalised people since 1991. We help them transform their lives, providing accommodation and helping them gain the skills, confidence and opportunities to live a fulfilled life. We provide specialist support for people from all background who find themselves in need of support, including young parents and their babies, people suffering from addictions, young people and those leaving the care system, those experiencing mental ill health and adults with learning difficulties.
We also have a number of services specifically for Armed Forces Veterans (regular and reserves) including merchant seafarers or fisherman (specific criteria applies), who struggle to cope with life outside. Every year we support around 2,000 people. We have supporting Veterans in our homes for many years, but in 2009 we opened our first dedicated home for ex-Armed Forces personnel so that Veterans could benefit from support tailored to their specific life experiences.
Homes for Veterans
Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans provide supported accommodation to British Armed Forces Veterans (regular and reserves) including merchant seafarers or fisherman, who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Our Homes for Veterans are primarily for those of a working age, however each Veteran in need is assessed for eligibility on an individual basis. We opened our first home in Plymouth in 2009 and now have 21 dedicated homes across England and Wales, including in Wiltshire, Hampshire, Gloucestershire, Bristol, Devon, Dorset as well as North and South Wales.
On any given night our Homes for Veterans are able to support over 100 Veterans off the streets. Our teams provide support on an individualised basis to help Veterans overcome difficulties such as unemployment, family breakdown, depression/PTSD and other mental health problems, addictions and debt. We have close working relationships with other agencies who we can refer clients to for specialist support. We also provide advice, support, training and mentoring to help ensure that each person has the skills, confidence and wellbeing to be able to successfully maintain their own tenancy and accommodation when they leave us. We accept referrals from agencies, or directly from Veterans themselves, and all the details can be found on our website.